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Wednesday, March 2, 2011

What is XSS

XSS, short for what is known as Cross-Site Scripting is the process of injecting JavaScript (mainly) and also HTML into a webpage for important feedback. This feedback may contain many things; one, most commonly being the user's cookie. Now, for everybody reading this, I assume that you know what a cookie is and how it is used on webpage, but if not, I will explain it anyways.

A cookie is the variable that web-browsers use to store your login credentials. Without a cookie, you cannot "stay logged in" on your favorite websites. This is important because if somebody were to obtain your cookie, he/she could easily spoof your login information without any need of knowing your password. Some cookies are pretty basic, like the PHPSESSID, which is just your session on a PHP powered page. If the website only used the PHPSESSID cookie to authenticate its users, somebody can steal the cookie via an XSS vulnerability and spoof whoever's cookie the attacker possesses.

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