Reinstalling your operating system deletes all files in your hard drive, so make sure to back up your files before starting.
>Turn on pc
>Press DELETE to enter bios setup
>Select cd as 1st boot
>SAVE & EXIT, Press Y for yes
>Put the installer cd in, your pc will restart
>If done correctly, a message will appear "Press Any Key to Boot from CD"
>Press any key
>Wait for the setup files to load
>After it is done, delete your current partition
>Select the partition then press D for delete, and L to confirm
>It will display "Unpartitioned Space"
>Press ENTER
>It will ask how would you like to format the partition, Select "Format using the NTFS file system"
>After the partition is created, your pc will restart
>The setup will continue after it restarts
>At the middle of the installation it will ask for the product key, (it is usually printed on the installer CD)
>It will then ask for Network Settings, choose "Typical Settings"
>Wait for the installtion to finish
>Once it is done, a window will appear, you may Press skip for this one
>Reinstall all drivers (modem, sound, vga etc)