Disk Cleanup
The Disk Cleanup tool helps you free up space on your hard disk by searching your disk for files that you can safely delete.
>Click Start
>Select All Programs
>Select Accessories
>System Tools
>Then Click Disk Cleanup
>The Disk Cleanup window will appear, you may do any of the following:
*Remove Temporary Internet Files
*Remove downloaded program files. For example, ActiveX controls and Java applets that are downloaded from the Internet
*Empty the Recycle Bin
*Remove Windows temporary files
*Remove optional Windows components that you are not using
*Remove installed programs that you no longer use
Disk Defragmenter
Disk Defragmenter is a Windows utility that consolidates fragmented files and folders on your computer's hard disk so that each occupies a single space on the disk. With your files stored neatly end to end, without fragmentation, reading and writing to the disk speeds up.
>Open My Computer
>Right-click the local disk volume that you want to defragment, and Then Click
>On the Tools Tab, Click Defragment Now
>Click Defragment
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